The Bloodbath
If Fred Hassan had been able to look into the future and read Pfizer’s first quarterly report in 2004—a year and a half later—he might have chosen different words. There was no way he could have known about the bloodbath Pfizer was about to unleash at Pharmacia. In the year following the acquisition, Pfizer terminated 11,596 Pharmacia employees—more than half the U.S. employees. During the same time period only 1,452 Pfizer employees were let go. And it didn’t stop there, over the following two years Pfizer fired thousands more.
Peter Rost erinnert an Zeilen aus seinem Buch
The Whistleblower: Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman, in dem er die Übernahme von Pharmacia durch Pfizer beschreibt.
Pfizer had developed a fearsome reputation for what they did to employees of the companies they bought. It could be summed up in three simple words: They fired them.
Die Schlagzeile Wyeth-Übernahme durch Pfizer kostet mehr als zehntausend Arbeitsplätze bei SPON zeugt von grenzenloser Journalisten-Naivität. Ich nehme Wetten darauf an, wieviele der 50.000 Wyeth-Mitarbeiter im Sommer 2010 noch bei Pfizer arbeiten. Mein Tipp: 20.000.
Habe ich schon erwähnt, dass ich das Buch von Peter Rost allen Wyeth-Mitarbeitern ans Herz lege?
Sarah Rubenstein von Wall Street Journal Health Blog hat live von der Pressekonferenz gebloggt und von den Analysten-Telefonkonferenz.
Grosses Kino:
A reporter asks about the fact that banks involved in the deal have gotten bailouts from the U.S. government. How do you feel about that? Kindler says it’s “good to be seeing banks doing what banks are supposed to be doing,” which is lending money and helping the economy move forward.
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