
Nicht nur in Deutschland legen sie die Krankenversorgung effektiv lahm:

System failure? | Society | The Guardian

At some point last November, an infection began to spread unnoticed through the three hospitals that make up Barts and The London NHS Trust in east London. This was not MRSA but the Mytob worm, a common but potent computer virus. It steadily slowed and choked the 4,700 PCs of the trust’s network. By noon on 17 November, a Monday, the network was effectively crippled.

The following day, the trust declared an “internal major incident”. Ambulances carrying accident and emergency patients were diverted to other hospitals. Operations were postponed. The appointments system was suspended. Access to clinical information – usually quick and electronic – was maintained only by the slowest and most old-fashioned of methods: “runners” drafted in from the trust’s administrative departments pounded the hospitals’ endless twisting corridors with paper notes and printouts.


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