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OsiriX plugin: BullsEye
There is a new OsiriX plugin available, called BullsEye.The BullsEye plugin shows a BullsEye vectorial image. This image can be manually edited, and saved as PDF or DICOM file.It is available as a download via the OsiriX plugins manager.
EBM-Reform 2013: Die Ziffern für den Chronikerzuschlag
Wenn Sie bis jetzt eventuelle Chronikerpauschalen nach der Ziffer 03212 abgerechnet haben, so müssen Sie gemäß der aktuellen Reform der EBM-Zahlen ab Oktober einiges neu machen. Denn für die Behandlung chronisch Kranker gibt es in Zukunft zwei differenzierte Gebührenordnungspauschalen, die einen bzw. mindestens zwei direkte Arzt-Patienten-Kontakte als Voraussetzung zur Geltendmachung haben. Dabei sollen die Inhalte dieser persönlichen Begegnungen so gestaltet sein, dass unter anderem eine leitliniengerechte Therapie erkennbar ist. Vor allem, wenn Sie als Hausarzt tätig sind, ist allerdings fraglich, ob in dieser Neuregelung der Chronikerpauschalen auch hausarztuntypische Leistungen abgerechnet werden können.
Health 2.0 Spring Fling – Interview with founders Indu Subaiya and Matthew Holt
After wrapping up a second day of hearing so many ideas about start-ups in health care, Health 2.0 Spring Fling in Boston left me wanting to start my own company and join all the entrepreneurs that attended. As a small representative sample of the groups of entrepreneurs that form the Health 2.0 space, who better than the chairs of the Health 2.0 organization to interview? Indu Subaiya, Co-Chairman and CEO of Health 2.0: “Is responsible for Health 2.0’s strategic direction and incredible production values. She started her career in health technology assessment at Quorum Consulting and then served as VP of Healthcare at Gerson Lehrman Group, an investment research firm. Before co-founding Health 2.0 she was Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Physic Ventures, where she helped evaluate companies. When she is not running Health 2.0, she applies her producing and directing skills to making film.” Not to mention that she is also an MD who decided to take the entrepreneur path. I bet many of us can relate. Matthew Holt, Co-Chairman of Health 2.0: “Spent the 1990s learning from the best to be a health care futurist at Institute for the Future, and a survey researcher at Harris Interactive. In the early […]