Hyperbolische Wertschätzung

Healthcare Economist · The key to reducing moral hazard in France: Hyperbolic Discounting?!?!

In France, one of the most interesting aspects of their health care system is the pricing mechanism. Prices are regulated by the government and almost every doctor charges the same price for a given service. While free marketers may abhor the centralized price setting, this system does have one advantage over the U.S. system: patients and doctors actually know the price of the medical services rendered. This increases the transparency of how medical resources are allocated.

Medical care is a valuable commodity. Its value can be life or death. When we ask the patient to pay that €21 in my office, we remind her that she is receiving a costly service. Even though she’s going to get the money back from insurance in a week, maybe two, it is important to convey that something of value is exchanged when they come to see us.

Moral Hazard
Hyperbolic Discounting

In Deutschland mangelt es offenbar an Wertschätzung für medizinische Dienstleistungen, wenn ich mir das chaotische Sachleistungsprinzip so ansehe.

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