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Das nenn ich mal Infotainment!
Auf könnt ihr euch schon mal virtuell auf die anstehende Mandelentfernung oder Nasenplastik einstellen. Vom “richtigen” Ende des Skalpells aus gesehen.
Viel Spaß beim durchklicken!
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Drogerie im Appenzell
dorotheesophie schickt uns dies: hier mal eine Schweizer Apotheke. Die ist mit Abstand eine wirklich sehr traditionelle. Eine Appenzeller eben Auf der Fassade der Löwen-Drogerie sind einige Heilkräuter aussen aufgemalt. Sehr hübsch, wie ich finde! Gut, es ist eine Drogerie, aber sie ist wirklich sehenswert: Tagged: Drogerie, Foto, Schweiz
Reverse Mentoring
There’s a story of Barry Diller, the famed Chairman of IAC, an internet behemoth with lots of succesful web properties in its very broad porftfolio of technology investments. Diller, now 69, was said to excessively, make use of a concept known as “reverse mentoring”. As the title suggests, the idea is that the typically younger, less experienced person, who has knowledge in a particula area, gives advice to the more senior person. This works amazingly well in a setup with an executive such as Barry Diller. Jack Welch, Management-Guru und CEO of GE is also known for using a reverse mentored decision process. He, the experience business person, with a track record in print publishing is being told that the company needs to move towards the internet to be sucessful. By asking the modern customer, the young, internet-savvy users, he gets insight into the market he wants to enter. It’s a great and simple concept as long as the senior to-be-mentored person shows humblness and willingness to learn from a less experienced person, which makes this more of a psychological obstacle, then an organizational one. Does reverse mentoring have its raison d’être also in medicine? Are you aware of a […]