we havehad set up the 27c3 network so that it willwould crash OS X and iPhones:
This is this year’s mystery challenge, and there are tickets for the Chaos Communication Camp in summer 2011 to win. We have prizes for the first person each to publish:
- a pcap dump
- a way to replay that dump in order to crash a mac
- a stack trace with registers of the crashsolved, see http://pastebin.ca/2030027
- code execution: Not possible, since it’s a division by zero. wrong: it is a division overflow. the div64by32 result is larger than 32bits.
Accepted input is a link to a file with the solution, together with a SHA-256 sum of said file, on twitter. Add a #27c3 #0day tag. Timestamp on twitter counts. Ladies and gentlemen, start your debuggers!
Presseschau Tag 01:
taz – Kein Angriff auf Mastercard und Visa
Macnews – Chaos Communication Congress gestartet
iPhone-Blog – Live-Streams zum Chaos Communication Congress aus Berlin
Spiegel Online – Hacker kritisiert Hobby-Hacker
heise online – 27C3: Hacker zwischen Wikileaks, Zensurbestrebungen und Chaos
Netzpolitik.org – Startschuss beim 27c3
Twitter Accounts: