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Hans Rosling and Global Health
“If you want to invest in Europe, invest in museums.” –Hans Rosling Known for his dynamic TED talks, Hans Rosling is an extremely well known figure in the world of global health. Dr. Rosling is a physician and public health expert by training and is currently a professor of public health sciences at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. I was recently able to see Hans Rosling give a lecture to public health students at Karolinska Institutet. He shared his insights and viewpoints on various global health issues and also introduced his “Trendalyzer” application, Gapminder World. Much of what Hans Rosling explained with respect to global health trends and changes was illustrated using his Gapminder World application. What is Gapminder World exactly? Think of it as a visually appealing way to present statistical information for every country of the world. With this software, it is possible to make comparisons between countries based on such measures as GDP per capita, population size, and life expectancy, as well as various economic, education, energy, health, infrastructure, and population parameters. It is then possible to visually observe how these statistics have changed over time among the various countries. My explanations will not do justice to […]
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Ab Juni wird der, auch in Deutschland vetretene, Bürobedarf-Spezialist “Staples” einen 3D-Drucker in sein Sortiment aufnehmen. Für $1299.99 kommt der kompakte “Cube” zunächst in die US-Filialen. Dies könnte ein weiterer Schritt für die preiswerte Verbreitung dieser Technologie sein!
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"I just drive around with a big smile on my face" (Dallas Goecker)
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"It definitely makes a difference as far as my interactions with people and getting to know people, and people knowing me. They like to dress me up, they like to put stickers on me, all around"
In Bereichen, die die flexible Anwesenheit einer Person erfordern, etwa bei der Arztvisite im Krankenhaus, habe der Telepräsenzroboter bereits Anwendung gefunden.