Frederick Memorial Health Care System installs additional aycan xray-print solutions

DICOM paper-print solution saves film costs and improves communication with referring physicians and patients

We have successfully installed two additional aycan xray-print solutions at Frederick Memorials’ health care facilities in Frederick, Maryland.  Since 2007, aycan has installed a total of six systems for the health care system.

Frederick Memorial chose aycan xray-print, a vendor neutral DICOM paper-print solution, to replace film printers in all of its six health care facilities to help improve communication with referring physicians and patients and reduce costs.  Compatible with PACS and modalities using the DICOM 3.0 standard, the aycan xray-print solutions fit seamlessly into Frederick Memorials’ existing workflow.

“In addition to the tremendous cost savings, aycan’s expert knowledge of DICOM, the very smooth integration, and excellent continued service and support are the reasons we chose them again to replace our remaining film systems,” said Brian Petrie,  PACS Administrator at Frederick Memorial.  “Since our first aycan xray-print installation in 2007, we have achieved well over 70% savings in our annual film costs as well as improving communications with our customers.”

aycan xray-print prints images on plain paper in color or black and white at less than 10 cents per sheet.  Customers replacing film with paper also achieve additional savings through the elimination of expenses associated with the special handling, storage, and transportation of film. 

“Hospitals and imaging centers are seeking inexpensive ways to produce non-diagnostic prints of sufficient quality that physicians can use for treatment planning and consultation with colleagues and patients,” said Frank Burkhardt, aycan Director, North & Latin American Operations. “aycan xray-print meets that need, allowing health care professionals to easily and cost effectively print, share, review, annotate, and store high-quality images.”

aycan xray-print hardware and software are optimized for medical imagery, and features, such as Presentation Look-Up Tables (PLUT), are easily accessed to set defaults and adjust image-quality output settings such as brightness, gray scale, and contrast for each modality.  Introduced in 1996, aycan xray-print has over 2,000 customers worldwide. 

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