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Wer überwacht GesundheitsApps?
Um ein App in einem Downloadstore zu platzieren werden diese von den Betreibern der Stores getestet. Dabei geht es aber ausschließlich um programmiertechnische Belange. Der Inhalt bleibt hier im wesentlichen außen vor. Nun liefern Gesundheitsapps jedoch sensibele Daten, seien es einfach nur Informationen zu Krankheitsbildern oder aber körperbezogenen Daten. Daraus ergeben sich unter Umständen Konsequenzen […]
Health: A Misnomer? Why Your Health Message Does Not Work
Most of us have been there. We have delivered sound and tested health advice to our patients but the patients just won’t listen. We tell them again, still to no avail. Frustration sets in and we ask ourselves why the he** they come to us in the first place when they won’t do what we tell them to. It’s not that these patients are stupid by any means. Many of them are really smart and successful. They might even have a university degree, drive expensive cars, live in beautiful houses etc. So most of them know the art of setting goals and achieving them. So what’s the problem we are facing here? We think that the whole health-communication paradigm is broken. Why? Becaus health itself is a misnomer and in this post we are going to tell you why. What is “health” to most people? If you ask your patients, they will come up with a sentence that sounds something like “not being sick”, “not being in the hospital”, “feeling good without disease” etc. So essentially to them, health is the absence of disease (we know the WHO and other entities have a different definition of health but they just […]