Das Ratespiel am Samstag auf MTA-R.de Was ist heute auf unserem ominösen Röntgenbild abgebildet? Bitte tragt Eure Antworten und Vorschläge wieder zahlreich unten als Kommentar ein. Zu gewinnen gibt es wie immer nichts, aber vielleicht macht`s ja trotzdem Spaß. Wir freuen uns jedenfalls sehr über jeden Lösungsvorschlag und jeden Kommentar dazu! Hier die Auflösung! […]
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Speak To Me: Speech recognition with Nuance Healthcare’s Nick van Terheyden, MD
With the introduction of Apple’s Siri in the last year, free-form speech recognition has exploded in the mainstream. The technology around Siri, however, has been used in the medical field for some time for documentation with programs like well-known Dragon Medical™ by Nuance Healthcare. Nuance’s CMIO, Nick van Terheyden, MD was willing to speak with me about the advances Nuance has made in the domain of speech recognition, data mining, and documentation innovation in the healthcare space. Dr. van Terheyden has been in the healthcare industry for > 25 years, working in imaging and other internet startups before coming to Nuance and finding his niche as a clinician advocate to adopting technology in standard practice. Dragon, now on its 10th medical version has been used commonly within healthcare enterprises, including in radiology reading rooms across the country for dictating reads of XRay/CT/MRI films and more. Over its time, it has been adapted to take into account accents across the world in addition to learning and increasing its vocabulary each time someone dictates. The next innovations in this space are what one would expect: with the data Dragon is collecting, clinical language understanding is growing. With the use of such ontologies […]
Making a Dent in One of Healthcare’s Biggest Problems
What do you think is the most common topic that comes up when physicians complain about their patients? According to a 2011 Consumer Reports survey of physicians, noncompliance with medication and other treatment recommendations was number one.
I can understand that. Non-adherence is a demoralizing problem for physicians. Think of all that effort on diagnosis, clinical decision-making, and education going to waste because the patient decides not to fill the prescription, or quits after a few weeks, or takes it only sporadically. As former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop famously quipped, “drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them.”
It turns out that not only does non-adherence rank as physicians’ number one complaint, it is also one of healthcare’s number one problems.
In 2009 the New England Healthcare Institute estimated that poor compliance with prescription medication is the root cause of $290 billion in “otherwise avoidable medical spending” in the US per year. That’s a staggering number, but it makes sense if you think about it.
Heart attacks and strokes, for example, are very expensive, but largely avoidable if you control known risk factors with lifestyle modifications and medications as needed (which are dirt cheap by comparison to other popular drugs).
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beim Derma-Rätsel habt ihr unter anderem Erythema migrans und bakterielle Infektion als mögliche Differentialdiagnose genannt: http://www.thieme.de/viamedici/blog/?p=1068
Diese beiden Möglichkeiten waren auch meine persönlichen Favoriten, als ich mir meine Gedanken zu diesem Fall gemacht habe. Daher habe ich die„Duale Reihe – Dermatologie“ zu Rate gezogen und ein paar Fakten zu diesen Themen zusammengefasst. Falls ihr Lust habt, noch ein […]