Das faszinierend blau leuchtende Cäsium 137 führte 1987 in Goiânia/Brasilien zu einem ernsten Atomunfall! Der Goiânia-Unfall ereignete sich 1987, als in der brasilianischen Stadt Goiânia radioaktives Material gestohlen und von den Dieben unter Freunden und Bekannten verteilt wurde. Als Folge starben vier Personen. Teile der Stadt sind bis heute radioaktiv belastet. Der Unfall wurde auf […]
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The Internet, Information And What It Means For Physicians
Professor Gunter Dueck, is a calm and eloquent german mathematician who’s also the CTO of IBM Germany. He studied mathematics and philosophy and eventually turned out to be a great writer and speaker. Unfortunately he only does so in german, which is why it doesn’t make much sense to post a video of him here. In a recent talk he gave (German only), he talks about whether a connected and information-based world is a nightmare or a dream come true. Near the end of the talk he picks up the topic of what a connected society, what the internet and what ubiquitious information means for certain jobs, in particular for contractors or service providers like lawyers and doctors. You are more and more disapointed by professionals who live off their knowledge, whom you’ve always trusted and whose expertise you’ve considered to be untouchable. Now the internet gives everyone and extremely powerful tool to research even the most complex medical knowledge. Be it Map-Kinases or the different types of leukemia. It is simply amazing (and to some of us, slightly discomforting) that such highly specific knowledge which was only able to be acquired going through several years of med school is now […]