Im Vergleich zu humanmedizinischen Projekten, werden zahnmedizinische Projekte eher selten durchgeführt und sie werden oft noch nicht mal durch Universitäten oder andere Einrichtungen gefördert. Continue reading
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aycan with its PACS-Solutions at the ECR 2013 in Vienna
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aycan wins bid to provide data migration services and PACS for State University of New York (SUNY)
aycan was awarded the contract to migrate over 20TB of legacy data currently held on old GE and McKesson PACS servers at Long Island college hospital (LICH) to an aycan vendor neutral archive (VNA) for SUNY Downstate Medical Center University Hospital of Brooklyn.
aycan’s VNA, aycan store, includes an html5 web viewer as well as aycan OsiriX PRO workstations. It will be set up with “Write once read many” (WORM) storage to offer maximum data protection.