Paul entpuppt sich so langsam als Dauer-Foto-Lieferant aus der Schweiz Vielen Dank dafür! Heute im Gepäck hat er ein Bild einer Challenger CL-604 der Swiss Air-Ambulance, die zur Swiss Air-Rescue Rega gehört.
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INTERVIEW: Daniel Kraft & Angry Birds – PART 2
Daniel Kraft delivered a talk at the Pioneers Festival in which he shares some of his views and insights into Hacking the Human Body and what he foresaw could be the Future of Medicine. After his incredibly inspiring talk we were able to catch up with Daniel to conduct an interview. The first part of our interview with Dr. Kraft is available here. Part 2 of the interview with Daniel begins with a surprise appearance from Peter Vesterbacka (Mighty Eagle) of Rovio, the creators of the phenomenally popular Angry Birds game. Our interview segued into ideas from highlighting the potential use of Angry Birds for persuasive health scenarios, with Peter Vesterbacka confirming that Rovio was engaging in using games for education. TRANSCRIPT SUMMARY: Peter Vesterbacka: (Walks into our interview and greets Daniel and myself) “Hej! It’s been a while” (Peter stands next to us and smiles ) MedCrunch: [Peter] we are making an interview, but it is ok [for you] to interrupt. Daniel Kraft: [Peter] can zoom right on in. [….] Here is an excuse to ask a crazy question; (referring to Peter Vesterbacka), a lot of people [play] Angry Birds and are addicted, would it be neat if you had to do your workout [or other health related activity] until you were […]