Europe’s First Award For A Social Campaign in Healthcare

Public Health is definitely not known for cutting edge communication. It’s about time to prove the world otherwise, thus Europe’s largest social network for medical professionals, DocCheck, has put together an award for the first time to honor the most creative and innovative Social-Web-Campaign in the public health sector  – the so-called HealthShare Award.

We encourage all european agencies that are working in healthcare and have recently developed a campaign to submit. And if you think that healthcare or pharmaceutical advertising cannot be special then watch this video below and see a proof of how advertising can also look like.

In regards to the HealthShare Award here is what you can get out of it. The award features two categories: A classic Jury-Prize as well as the Crowd-Cup. Each winner will receive an award for best communication in social media, including a website badge.

So what’s in for the winner:

Jury Prize
The expert-jury for social media,
creative direction as well as communication is led by Dr. Frank Antwerpes. The
grand victor will be chosen by creativity, innovation and impact regardless of budget.

Audience Prize
Reality check! 860.000 users of DocCheck are to be won over in order to land the crowd-cup.

Shortlist & Timeline
A shortlist of the highly favored contestants will be published in January 2013. Based on said shortlist, a winner will be chosen for each category.
The award ceremony is scheduled for mid-February.

Everybody resident in the public health sector and also active in social media can join the contest. Participation term is the complete application in German language.

Campaigns between 1. January 2011 – 30. November 2012 can be submitted until 7. December 2012

• Complete application form
• Free presentation: either as Video, Prezi, Slideshare, max. 10 Keynote slides or .pdf pages – NO PowerPoint!

Send your application documents via dropbox, e-mail:
mail (CD/DVD/USB): 

c/o DocCheck AG,
Vogelsanger Str. 66,
50823 Köln
Deadline: 7. December 2012

QUESTIONS ? or +49 221/92053-147

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