Endlich ein Erfolgserlebnis für die Hersteller von Ezetrol® und Inegy® (in den USA Zetia® bzw. Vytorin®) . Die PR-Agentur Fineman erstellt seit 14 Jahren jährlich eine Liste der nach ihrer Ansicht 10 größten Public-Relations-Fehler (“Top 10 PR Blunders”). Das ENHANCE-Desaster, von uns hier im Blog schon seit seinen
Anfängen aufmerksam
begleitet, schafft es 2008 auf einen hervorragenden sechsten Platz.
Hier die Laudatio für Merck & Co. und Schering-Plough:
Profits with Side Effects
Prescription for a Blunder: market cholesterol drugs Vytorin and Zetia with a memorable $100 million plus advertising campaign. Withhold study results showing that the combo doesn’t work as claimed … for 21 months. Watch the drugs pull $5.2 billion in revenue in 2007 alone. Side effects, though, may include widespread consumer backlash, around 140 civil class- action lawsuits, and the unwelcome attentions of Congress, the U.S. Department of Justice and a coalition of 35 state attorneys general, according to the Associated Press. Makers Merck & Co. and Schering-Plough Corp. allegedly didn’t release the results due to internal scientific concerns. Matthew Herper of Forbes reported there were “reasons to doubt the result [of the study].” Under pressure, Merck and Schering-Plough pulled their quirky “Food and Family” ads, but dwindling investor confidence still pushed Merck stock down to Vioxx-era levels. Martha Rosenberg of AlterNet.com opined, “Merck is repeating its mistakes … It’s getting tough to find any Merck drug that can hold up to scrutiny.”
(Hat Tip: Pharmalot)