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Entwarnung bei Nahrungsmittel-Unverträglichkeiten
Eine aktuelle Studie der Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) gibt einen Überblick zur Ernährung in Deutschland. Im September 2016 wurden dazu 1.200 Personen ab 18 Jahren zu ihrem Ernährungsverhalten befragt. Unter dem Titel „Iss was, Deutschland.“ sind die Resultate der Befragung publiziert.
What Forms Do You Need for School If Your Child Has Asthma?
Asthma is the leading chronic disease in children. It is also the top reason for missed school days. If your child has asthma, know what forms your school requires for managing medications and asthma episodes at school. You must send
How Can You Improve Your Asthma?
Asthma is a complex condition. People can have different levels of asthma, triggers and treatments. Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or have had asthma for some time, you may need help making sense of it all. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has created the ASTHMA Care for Adults program. This program covers […]