Sofern die private Krankenversicherung (PKV) aufgelöst würde, wäre gemäß einer Studie des Gesundheitsökonomen Professor Jürgen Wasem im Auftrag der Techniker Krankenkasse mit einem Verlust an Privathonoraren von 1,6 Milliarden Euro im ersten Jahr zu rechnen. Ein einheitliches Ärztehonorar für gesetzlich … Continue reading
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TEDMED 2012 Recap – Part 2
This is part 2 of our previous post. Take a look at part 1 here. Session 6: “You Get What You Select For” Frances Arnold a professor of chemical engineering, bioengineering and biochemistry at CalTech amazed us by explaining how she is evolving proteins by making them “have sex” (these TEDMED talks really spice things up). She accelerates the evolution process to come up with better genomic sequences that produce more efficient proteins. We interviewed Frances and will post about it in the next few days. One of the greatest talks of all the conference came from world-renowned biologist and Harvard’s Professor Emeritus E.O. Wilson. He started by geting rid of formalities taking of his tie and gaining the sympathy of all the audience. Every delegate got a TEDMED bag with many goodies on it, including E.O. Wilson’s new book titled “The Social Conquest of Earth” (can’t wait to read it). He called for all young scientists to be part of the search for knowledge by inspiring us with his principles. He said it is important to study across disciplines (it is amazing how this principle is present and strong among many of the TEDMED speakers and delegates), to drift […]