Das Landgericht Düsseldorf hat in einem Urteil vom 9. April 2013 das Recht auf anonyme Bewertungen von Ärzten und Heilberuflern durch Patienten bestätigt. Im vorliegenden Fall hat das Gericht die Klage einer Hebamme gegen ein großes deutsches Arztempfehlungsportal abgewiesen. Das … Continue reading
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Wie kommt die Informatik in die Pflege?
Dies war die Frage und der Titel meines ersten Buchs [http://goo.gl/aN6qlN] im Jahre 2008. Immer mehr Fachsoftware hatte die Kliniken durchdrungen und wurde von den Pflegefachkräften bedient. Dennoch fand sich Software für die Pflege selbst nur selten in deutschen Kliniken. … Weiterlesen →
Roentgen moves to CCW
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The city of Würzburg in cooperation with Röntgenkuratorium Würzburg e. V. honors this discovery with the attachment of this board in the new CCW, which was installed on September 6, 2016.
MedCrunch Interview with Marc Triola and John Qualter at TEDMED 2012
During TEDMED we had the opportunity to meet, talk with and interview many interesting people and learn about what advances they are bringing to healthcare’s future. Among the most interesting ones was our interview with TEDMED speakers Marc Triola, M.D. and John Qualter creators of the Biodigital Human, a very detailed and web-based 3D model of the human body with the hopes of contributing in the education of the new generation of medical students. MC: There are many other 3D models of the human body out there, some even as smartphone or tablet apps; how is yours different? Marc: Ours is designed from the ground of education, it’s highly detailed and unlike other systems this is designed to show disease processes and living processes such as the beating heart and functional lungs, the progression of diseases like cancer and we also have a far greater number of tools in here to allow the students to practice the skills of dissecting and understand what they are seeing. John: Not to mention it is web-based, so everyone who has access to an updated web browser would be able to use this technology. It is widely available, they don’t need to have smartphones. MC: […]