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Health 2.0 Conference in Berlin on Nov 6 & 7 Join MedCrunch and Sign up!
The Health 2.0 Europe Conference is the pioneer in Europe that explores how web, mobile and social technologies are transforming health care systems all over Europe. Come join MedCrunch and many other Key Health 2.0 stakeholders in Europe on November 6 & 7, 2012!
This Is A Lot – HealthTap Receives $11 Million And Is Growing Strongly
We are not the typical scoop-driven health 2.0 news portal, but once in a while we are happy to share some exciting news for startups we apreciate. In this case we’ve just received a press release saying that HealthTap, which we’ve dubbed as a “a giant leap for healthcare“, is receiving the staggering amount of $11 million in a series A round (which basically means it’s the first money not coming from private, but institutional investors such as venture capital firms, but in this case HealthTap already received such funding). Even for the US, this is a lot of money for a service at such an early stage without any obvious – at least to us – business model live on the site. But the team behind HealthTap is great and so is the traction the startup is seeing at the moment. They are claiming that 6.000 physicians and 500 healthcare insitutions , who are verified by the site, have signed up to the site and actively use it. It remains unknown (at least to us – again) if those physicians are being paid for their answers (and time) or if it’s reputation and goodwill. This part of the press […]
Krankenkassen unter Manipulationsverdacht
Aus einem Schreiben des Bundesversicherungsamtes an den Spitzenverband der Krankenkassen gehe ein Verdacht der Manipulation hervor. Knapp jede zweite gesetzliche Krankenkasse in Deutschland soll im Jahr 2009 ihre Versicherten kränker gemacht haben als diese tatsächlich waren, so die „Rheinische Post“. … Continue reading →