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Buchungen von Arztterminen über das Internet sind komfortabel, effizient und patientenfreundlich. Das hat auch die Techniker Krankenkasse erkannt und testet in einer einjährigen Pilotphase die Online-Terminbuchung für Patienten in Kooperation mit de…
Top Secret – der Museum-Tipp
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MedCrunch ‘Combined’ Interview with Jacob Scott and Sandeep Kishore at TEDMED 2012
At TEDMED we also had a a very interesting conversation with Jacob Scott (watch Jacob’s TEDMED talk) whose impressive background was strong enough to throw us out of concentration a couple of times. But behind all this great history there is a very simple and cool guy who we befriended along the conference social gatherings and with whom we hope to stay in touch. We spoke mainly about how med school need to change and we were surprised when later on fellow speaker Sandeep Kishore (watch Sandeep’s TEDMED talk) echoed the same feelings and thoughts about who is educating our future physicians. “Sunny” also was one of our favorite guys from TEDMED, he already added me to his Young Professional Chronic Disease Network (YPCDN) and we will definitely do anything in our power to help. Giving the fact that these two similarly made such an influence on us and on the crowd –and based on their common ideas– we decided to ask them the same questions. MC: You argue that the system selects the least creative candidates for medical school. What is the reason for this? Jacob: Not necessarily the least creative. It’s not selecting for creative people and I think that the more […]