Beim diesjährigen RSNA hat Apple mit aycan eine Kundenveranstaltung gemacht. Es waren mehr als 30 Besucher bei dem Event. Apple stellte die Bandbreite der Einsatzmöglichkeiten von iOS in Kliniken dar. aycan zeigt aycan OsiriX PRO für die Onkologie, Mammographie, Gefäßanalayse und Teleradiologie in Verbindung mit der FDA-freigegebenen und CE-gekennzeichneten App aycan mobil Ein interessantes Detail ist, dass ein Plakat die Veranstaltung ankündigte, welches vom Black Friday an im Apple Store an der North Michigan Avenue direkt am Eingang stand. Diese Strasse ist die Haupteinkaufsstrasse in Chicago und wird von vielen RSNA Teilnehmern besucht. Der Apple Store gehört bei den Radiologen und Industrieteilnehmern zum Pflichtprogramm. Wir wurden von sehr vielen (!) Leuten auf der RSNA darauf angesprochen.
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Meet aycan at Medica 2014 in November
aycan is going to present its print, post-processing and teleradiology DICOM PACS- solutions at the Medica exhibition 2014.
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aycan Digitalsysteme GmbH, a PACS provider from Würzburg in Germany, will present its multi-modality post-processing workstation aycan OsiriX PRO, the teleradiology iPad app aycan mobile and the original DICOM paper print solution aycan xray-print at its booth E10 in Hall 15.
From a simple X-ray image to a multislice-CT or as a 2D to 5D Viewer, aycan OsiriX PRO presents itself as a workstation that is capable to process a full range of medical image data. The post-processing workstation is DICOM compatible and thus can handle all common DICOM services and integrates uncompromising in each RIS and patient management systems. Fast image loading times, an intuitive operation and the possibility to choose an application-specific package offer an optimal workflow.
For teleradiology, aycan presents the mobile PACS Viewer aycan mobile for the iPad. With aycan mobile, medical images can be viewed at the bedside of the patient. The password-protected iPad app, approved as a diagnostic app with CE label and FDA clearance, uses a 256-bit encryption for the transmission and storage of DICOM images. Functions such as synchronizing position and image manipulation, single view and split view, voice recording (dictation) or the setting of ROIs are also supported.
Additionally, aycan xray-print can be viewed at the E10 booth. For almost 20 years, aycan xray-print offers its users quality printouts on plain paper. The DICOM print system is qualitatively very close to film and enormously cost-saving.
Visit aycan in Hall 15 – booth E10. Competent staff members are happy to answer your questions. Further information on aycan and additional PACS products can be found on
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