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How Social Entrepreneurs Contribute In Shaping Health Innovations
We are all well aware of how healthcare is changing in response to new disruptive ideas. What we often don’t know is how to create new models that combine socially favorable needs with radical innovations within the health sector. With “socially favorable” I either mean patient-centered or anything that is somehow able to provide tangible benefits for social wellbeing. Physicians often still perceive health as a unilateral variable, focusing on getting patients the right treatment at the right time. Pharmaceutical companies are struggling with getting new drugs in their pipelines while investing insanely amounts on R&D, after which they are forced to sell the product for millions –if not billions– of dollars. Health insurers sell packages that mostly include unnecessary services and deny what individuals really need. Governments are implementing regulations on top of regulations that hamper genuine health outcomes and (in)-directly favor the most powerful parties. When you enter a hospital, several patients don’t want to be informed about their health status, they simply want to get a pill, injection or treatment and get out as fast as possible. Societies, cities, individuals, often times do not care what being healthy entails. Needless to say, that all of the above […]
Das rauchfreie Krankenhaus
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