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Prolactin-related Vasoinhibin
In a new study, published by the European Journal of Endocrinology, Triebel et al report the detection of prolactin-related vasoinhibin in sera from patients with diabetic retinopathy. The authors conclude that decreased serum levels of prolactin-related vasoinhibin could, due to its anti-angiogenic properties, be responsible for the predisposition of patients with diabetes mellitus for neovascular […]
offtopic II
ich sag mal irgendeine organisation oder persönlichkeit, von der ich bis dato noch nie etwas gehört habe.
edit: barack … who?
Wahnsinnswoche 2021:17
In dieser Woche 161 Patientenkontakte und 12 Terminausfälle. Ich habe erst in 12-16 Wochen wieder freie Termine. Die Praxis ist nach wie vor völlig überfüllt und gleichzeitig ist die Zahl der Anfragen per Telefon, SMS, Fax und Mail exponentiell angestiegen. Es kann also sein, dass ich ein paar Tage brauche, um alles abzuarbeiten.
Informationen zu Corona / Covid19 in verschiedenen Sprachen:
Bundesministerium für Gesundheit: Sorulariniz – cevaplarimiz. Nasil korunabileceginize ve baskalarina nasil yardim edebileceginize dair güvenilir cevaplar ve somut bilgiler. Vatandaslar için asi ve testle ilgili bilgilere Ingilizce, Türkçe, Rusça ve Arapça dillerinde 0800 0000837 telefon araciligiyla Almanya’nin her yerinden ücretsiz ulasilabilir.
Integrationsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung: Cosa bisogna sapere sul Coronavirus.
Ok, so I made one for psychiatry!??
Types of Psychiatry Papers
— Awais Aftab (@awaisaftab) April 30, 2021
In a fascinating study, researchers found that our brains can operate much like those of monkeys if we just stop talking to ourselves – whether it is silently or out loud.
Is talking to yourself a sign of mental illness? An expert delivers her verdict. The Conversation 3.5.2017
Scientists have observed that people who have recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia and who aren’t on any medication yet show evidence of physiological changes, such as an overactive immune system. Could it be that schizophrenia is in fact a body-wide disorder?
Schizophrenia affects your body, not just your brain – new study. The Conversation 11.5.2018
Wer als schuldunfähig gilt, kommt in ein psychiatrisches Krankenhaus. Ob sie*er es jemals wieder verlassen wird, liegt in den Händen von Gutachter*innen.
Anwältin Jennifer Leopold: Wenn Gutachten dazu führen, dass Menschen zu Unrecht eingesperrt bleiben. 6.7.2020
Alcohol use disorder and bipolarity significantly influence each other’s severity and prognosis with a more complicated course of both disorders.
Comorbid Bipolar and Alcohol Use Disorder—A Therapeutic Challenge. Front. Psychiatry, 23 March 2021
Soeulfood: RYUICHI SAKAMOTO “Venezia” from “HIDARI UDE NO YUME (1981)