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Childhood Schizophrenia
Childhood schizophrenia or pediatric schizophrenia is one of the many types of schizophrenia that affects children. Fortunately, this condition is not too common with statistics showing a ratio of 1:40,000, while with adults it is 1:100. It is very important that the condition is diagnosed early because the illness can otherwise cause profound impact on
Acute Fat Liver of Pregnancy
The acute fat liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a rare, but serious condition occuring during pregnancy (1:10.000 pregnancies) with a high maternal mortality of 18%. Etiologically, it is suspected that there is a causal relation to a deficiency of the long-chain 3-Hydroxy-acyl-CoA-Dehydrogenase (LCHAD), leading to excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells. Clinical symptoms include […]
Liebe und zwischen Arzt und Patientin: Eine Postkarte aus Timbuktu
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