Es gibt offizielle Definitionen zum Thema Team, ein Beispiel: ein Team ist eine Gruppe von Individuen, die wechselseitig voneinander abhängig und gemeinsam verantwortlich sind für das Erreichen spezifischer Ziele für Ihre Organisation. Wie sieht es in Ihrer Praxis aus?
Heißt es da nicht eher: Ihr Team ist eine individuelle Ansammlung von Frauen, die zum Erreichen ihrer eigenen Ziele nebeneinander ihre Tätigkeit verrichten? Aber es gibt tatsächlich einen Weg von einem Nebeneinander zu einem Miteinander.
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ECR2 2013 Workstation Face-Off: Mission accomplished
This years Workstation Face-Off at ECR 2013 has been held in Vienna at March 8.
Two challenging cases demanded a high level of post processing skills from the presenters and the workstations.
Session Chairman Prof. Anno Graser and his Co-Chairmen Dres. D’Anastsi and Schwarz (all University Hospital Munich) introduced the cases to the audience and collected the results.
The cases reflected daily radiological challenges and are really related to practical clinical workflows.
Results Case 1 – Stenosis |
Case 1 was a cardiac case involving CTA of the coronary arteries and functional MRI with rest and stress perfusion imaging. This case had to be performed in 6 minutes. All vendors were able to present the cases within the given timeframe. One challenge were the major stenosis of the RCA.
Results Case 2 – Volumetric time response |
The second case has been an oncological patient with a metastasised malignant melanoma. Tasks included detection of lung nodules with CAD and segmentation of two lesions over time assessing volumetric and RECIST response.
Vital Images, Terarecon and aycan were able to perform the case within the given time of 4 minutes. aycan finished it already after 3 minutes. Siemens and GE ran out of time. Vital Images and aycan were the only vendors who could show a comprehensive RECIST and volumetric report, while the others had the values scattered all over the software. aycan did not show a CAD lung nodule detection module.
It’s remarkable that except aycan all other vendors had preprocessed data of both cases.
After the presentations the results were presented to the audience in a graphical way (see above). Case one showed the degree of stenosis of the LCX. Case two was presented by the volumetric progression over time. The results are in a close proximity and show the value of quantitive imaging (aycan’s results are yellow).
The Workstation Face-off is a very good presentation to present the capabilities of vendor software solutions. We think, that aycan OsiriX PRO was able to solve the challenging cases with easy workflows and to provide customized reporting support for the results. If you consider the price of the solution, compared to major vendors, the success at this years Workstation Face-Off is even much more impressive.
Credits go to the CMIV Lab at Linköping University for supporting us with the algorithms for the vascular part and Chimaera GmbH, Erlangen for the registration, segmentation and volumetric analysis. And of course to the OsiriX group.
If you you want to learn more how aycan OsiriX PRO can help you with Medical Image Postprocessing please contact us at