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Die Anatomie der Kommunikation: Missverständnisse vermeiden
Der berufliche wie der private Alltag sind geprägt von Missverständnissen in der Kommunikation. Oft werden Aussagen falsch verstanden oder gedeutet, Worte werden missverständlich gewählt oder man redet buchstäblich “aneinander vorbei”. Diese Kommunikationsstörungen resultieren aus der fehlenden Reflexion eigener Aussagen und der Aussagen des Gegenübers. Ein Grundmodell der Kommunikationspsychologie kann dabei Missverständnisse vorbeugen, den gemeinsamen Austausch vereinfachen und zeigt die “Anatomie der Kommunikation” auf.
Interview with California State Assemblyman Jim Cunneen
With the recent United States Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, healthcare reform has become a prominent subject of both discussion and derision in the media and the political world. The topic of healthcare reform has engendered passionate debates and divisiveness across America. The Affordable Care Act, widely known as Obamacare, will continue to dominate the political discourse in the run-up to the United States presidential election this November. For more insight into American healthcare policy, MedCrunch was able to sit down and interview former California State Assemblyman Jim Cunneen to discuss the Affordable Care Act and healthcare reform in the United States. Mr. Cunneen represented the Silicon Valley in the California legislature from 1994 to 2000, serving on the Insurance, Budget, Education, and Public Safety Legislative Committees. He subsequently served as the President and CEO of the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce and is presently a Principal of California Strategies, LLC, a bipartisan, public affairs consulting firm. MedCrunch: What do you think the long-term impact of the Affordable Care Act will be on the US health care system? Jim Cunneen: I’m not completely qualified to say, but from […]
Vortrag zum 167. Geburtstag des W. C. Röntgen
Gerne lädt das Röntgen-Kuratorium Würzburg e.V. Sie zu einem spannendem Vortrag zum Thema “Das Röntgenlabor von Sherlock Holmes” und “Radiologische Bildgebung für den Gerichtssaal” ein.Herr Professor Dr. Richard Dirnhofer, ehemaliger Ordinarius un…