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Peter Thiel on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Education and Much More
The highlight of last year’s Charité Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin has been the closing keynote of seriel entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel. Thiel, a founder of Paypal and early investor in Facebook is not only a billionaire but one of the most forward thinking and disruptive thinkers out there. His conservative, or I’d rather say libertarian attitude, has brought him a quite some criticism, but at the same time he’s also widely recognized as one of the most successful entrepreneurs these days. In the following videos, you’ll see Peter Thiel talking about a variety of topics. What’s striking about them, apart from the actual content, is the strong believe and passion Thiel conveys through his keynote. He seems to be so sure about the things he talks about and so confident that you tend to agree on many aspects. The footage has not been shared publically yet and has now appeared on YouTube. It is copyrighted by the Charité Stiftung, which organizes the annual Charité Entrepreneurship Summit. Enough, sit back and no matter if you are a physician, entrepreneur or somebody thinking outside the box, you should watch those videos and dive into the following Q&A. Enjoy! […]
Google Grippe Trend 2013/2014
Wenn es jetzt wieder stetig kühler (oder wie bei uns eher nasser) wird, fangen die Menschen um einem herum wieder mit Schniefen und Husten an. Meist sind dies harmlose grippale Infekte. Doch auch die echte Grippe schlägt meist im Frühjahr … Weiterlesen →
Proposing Medathons
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