Das Kölner Klinik-Unternehmen “Dr. Becker” wird das eHealth-Portal “HausMed” übernehmen. Das Startup aus Berlin ist Anfang des Jahres in die Insolvenz gegangen und hat seit dem nach Investoren bzw. Käufer gesucht, schreibt das Magazin gruenderszene.de. Doch leider wird keiner der … Weiterlesen
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aycan mobile on stage at AppCircus on Health with Medica
aycan submitted it’s iPad app aycan mobile to the upcoming AppCircus event at Medica 2013. AppCircus is open and free to developers, startups and any organization with apps on any platform, giving a great chance to present their apps live on stage.
aycan mobile is an iPad app to display medical images. It has received FDA clearance and CE label as a medical device.
Update: aycan mobile has been selected to present live on stage, together with 9 other presenters.
When: 22. Nov. 2013 3:00pm
Where: Media Hall 15, Düsseldorf, Germany
Medica is the world‘s largest medical instrumentation trade fair located in Düsseldorf, Germany. Every year, more than 130,000 decision makers, experts and trade visitors make Medica their forum to learn about and BUY the latest in medical technology.
AppCircus on Health with Medica
aycan mobile at AppCircus