“Wir haben einen Fehler entdeckt, der verhindert, dass wir Healthkit-Apps für iOS 8 heute verfügbar machen”, sagte Apple-Sprecherin Trudy Muller zu Start der Verteilung des neuen, mobilen Apple-Betriebssystem iOS8. Die Healthkit-Apps sind eine der Neuerungen im neuen Betriebssystem und auch … Weiterlesen
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Support the Roentgen Memorial at RSNA 2015
On November 8th, 1895, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered a new kind of ray, which he
called X-rays. A small laboratory located in the former Physical Institute of the University of Würzburg, now the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, was the sight of one of the most important scientific breakthroughs in medical history.
The “Röntgenkuratorium Würzburg e.V.” was founded on December 3rd 1981, as a registered association to honor the memory of Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen.
The nonprofit organization designed, maintains and manages the Röntgen memorial located at the site where Röntgen first discovered X-rays, the former Institute of Physics at the University of Würzburg on Röntgenring 8.
Please explore the Memorial and consider making a single or sustaining membership donation to help preserve this historically important site.
If you want to learn more, visit us at RSNA 2015 at the aycan booth #7710.
Roentgen Memorial website
Donate for the Roentgen Memorial
Become a sustaining member of the Röntgen Memorial
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ECR2010: Register free for OsiriX workshops at myesr.org
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