Alle wasserhaltigen Kosmetika müssen, auf welche Art immer, konserviert werden, da sich sonst Mikroorganismen wie Schimmel, Bakterien oder Hefen bilden können. Das würde der Haut schlecht bekommen. Unzureichend konservierte oder abgelaufene Produkte können zu Hautirritationen wie Unreinheiten und Rötungen, gereizter,
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INTERVIEW: Jason Maude – Thoughts on Changing Healthcare
CEO and Co-founder Jason Maude tells his story of how Isabel Healthcare – The Diagnosis Checklist was started after his daughter, Isabel, was misdiagnosed. In trying to make sense of the reasons why Isabel was misdiagnosed Jason was determined to find a way to to prevent misdiagnosis from happening to others. Jason realised that healthcare providers, and the patients themselves, would best be served if patient’s could use a differential diagnosis tool. The purpose of this diagnosis tool is to match the patient’s symptoms and cross-check them through a database of diagnoses to come up with a diagnostic checklist. The following MedCrunch interview with Jason Maude was conducted at the Health 2.0 Europe 2012 Conference in Berlin, Germany. What made this interview unique was the candor and openness of Mr. Maude in sharing his thoughts and convictions regarding medical reform and how to change healthcare. This interview is more than a pitch for specific solution, rather it is insightful portrayal of what motivated one person to help improve healthcare. Jason Maude epitomises the entrepreneurial mindset needed to “hack health” and he is bringing meaningful change to an ailing system. MedCrunch: You were motivated to start Isabel because of a family [medical] issue; how could you encourage others (with a similar experience) […]