Der Zöliakie Austausch Podcast diesmal mit folgenden Themen: Das Hotel Vera in Cesenatico – Spezialisiert auf glutenfreie Gerichte Urlaubsvorbereitung – Wie wir glutenfreien den Urlaub planten Ist Italien das Paradies für Zölis ? Glutenfreie Einkaufstipps für Cesenatico Ausschließlich gf Produkte
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Health 2.0 Europe 2012 – Conference Review
The 2012 Health 2.0 European Conference held this past week in Berlin was a great success. With over 300 attendees from over 30 countries and an impressive lineup of 75 speakers, Health 2.0 Europe proved to be a unique experience. Our global correspondents were present at this conference to discover new and emerging innovations in Medicine and to measure the pulse of the eHealth entrepreneurial landscape. Our conclusion: the eHealth scene is extremely fit and healthy, growing strong, and poised to revitalize medicine and healthcare in BIG ways. As a conference, Health 2.0 has an incredible track record of introducing new and emerging eHealth and Medical Technology companies. This year’s European conference was no exception, highlighting over 50 unique eHealth / Medical solutions. According to Pascal Lardier (@pascal_lardier) Health 2.0′s International Ambassador, “the essence of Health 2.0 is that: “we [as a conference company] show products rather than talking about health topics;” and this conference primarily ”showcases new technologies and let’s these new technologies inspire the conference attendees.” This year’s event was no exception with a truly inspiring showcase of technology solutions which will potentially make an impact on patients and care-providers and possibly help reshape healthcare delivery and medicine in […]