Verbraucher unterschätzen häufig gesundheitliche Risiken, die von krankmachenden Keimen in der eigenen Küche ausgehen. „Lebensmittel können mit Bakterien, Viren oder Parasiten verunreinigt werden – und zwar auch durch Fehler bei der Lagerung und Zubereitung im Privathaushalt“, erklärt Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, Präsident des Bundesinstituts für Risikobewertung (BfR). Jährlich werden rund 100.000 Erkrankungen gemeldet, die […]
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The Future Of Healthcare Design Is Already Here
This is a guest post by Eugene Borukhovich. Eugene currently serves as a CEO of Initium Consulting Group B.V. which is an Amsterdam-based, pre-eminent boutique service provider of the knowledge expertise to the healthcare and private equity industries. He has previously served as a VP & CIO of International at a Fortune 15 Pharmacy Benefit Management company with the last 2.5 years working with European clients and vendors to launch new and innovative healthcare products. He is also the founder and a community organizer of Health 2.0 NYC & Health 2.0 Amsterdam and has been a pioneer in healthcare consumerism and open health data. Let me start off by stating, that I don’t have a clinical background and I will admit that I do not truly know how it feels to treat patients. While I speak to many practitioners on regular basis, I don’t think i can even begin to comprehend how difficult their job is. It is tough due to our healthcare system putting pressure on the practitioners to see more patients in the same working day while providing same or better care. It is tough due to continuous onslaught of ever changing regulations. It is tough because getting paid […]
Health care costs and resource utilization for different asthma severity stages in Colombia: a claims data analysis
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