Das schöne Wetter hat die Birken erweckt. In ganz Deutschland ist mit ersten Birkenpollen zu rechnen. Der DAAB hat 10 Tricks zusammengestellt wie sie einen pollenfreien Alltag gestalten können. 1. Sie möchten auf regelmäßiges Lüften nicht verzichten, aber mit jedem
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Health 2.0 Europe 2012 – Conference Review
The 2012 Health 2.0 European Conference held this past week in Berlin was a great success. With over 300 attendees from over 30 countries and an impressive lineup of 75 speakers, Health 2.0 Europe proved to be a unique experience. Our global correspondents were present at this conference to discover new and emerging innovations in Medicine and to measure the pulse of the eHealth entrepreneurial landscape. Our conclusion: the eHealth scene is extremely fit and healthy, growing strong, and poised to revitalize medicine and healthcare in BIG ways. As a conference, Health 2.0 has an incredible track record of introducing new and emerging eHealth and Medical Technology companies. This year’s European conference was no exception, highlighting over 50 unique eHealth / Medical solutions. According to Pascal Lardier (@pascal_lardier) Health 2.0′s International Ambassador, “the essence of Health 2.0 is that: “we [as a conference company] show products rather than talking about health topics;” and this conference primarily ”showcases new technologies and let’s these new technologies inspire the conference attendees.” This year’s event was no exception with a truly inspiring showcase of technology solutions which will potentially make an impact on patients and care-providers and possibly help reshape healthcare delivery and medicine in […]