Hallo liebe Blogleser, wie wichtig es ist, das jeder einzelne versucht das Thema Zöliakie und die Situation von Betroffenen bekannter zu machen, möchten wir euch anhand der Aktivitäten von Nina zeigen. Nina hat selbst Zöliakie und bloggt unter ihrem Synonym
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Only When We Learn How To Die Then We Learn How To Live
The headline of this post comes from a book called Tuesday with Morrie. Maybe some of you read it. The quote has been used by a Singapure-based physician named Dr. Richard Teo, who not only millions as a physician but also mingled with the rich and famous. Contrary to that lifestyle he had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and has passed away a couple of months ago. There is a really touching video of him talking to a class of medical students. The quality is rough, but you should go ahead and see it all the way to the end. You can read a transcript here. At one point in the video he says something very substantial: Was the pain, was the suffering the patients went through real? No. Of course I know all the medical terms to describe how they feel, all the suffering they went through. But in truth, I did not know how they feel, not until I became a patient. It is until now; I truly understand how they feel. And, if you ask me, would I have been a very different doctor if I were to re-live my life now, I can tell […]
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Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Asthmaforschung
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