PAKO-ATOP so lautet das Akronym für „Patientenkompetenz bei allergischen Erkrankungen des atopischen Formenkreises“ – dahinter verbirgt sich eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit eines neu entwickelten webbasierten Angebots für leicht bis mittelschwer betroffene Menschen. Zu allergischen Erkrankungen des atopischen Formenkreis zählen allergisches Asthma, allergische Rhinokonjunktivitis, Neurodermitis und mit atopischen Erkrankungen assoziierte Nahrungsmittelallergien. Internetbasierte Intervention Mit Hilfe […]
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INTERVIEW: Tim Ringrose of
Dr. Tim Ringrose is the CEO of the leading independent network of medical professionals in Europe. MedCrunch met up with Dr. Ringrose at the Health 2.0 Conference in Berlin. MedCrunch: Dr. Ringrose could you please explain to our readers what is. Tim Ringrose: is an online professional network, free for doctors to use. It has now over 196,000 UK doctor members, which sums up to the vast majority of UK physicians. One in four UK doctors will use it within a 24-hour period. They feel is a secure place on the net where they can access credible information, discuss questions and cases with each other, and complete CME (Continuing Medical Education) modules. They also use it as a way to find out about new therapies and products; and that is where our revenue streams come in. We do research for pharmaceutical companies, device companies, healthcare providers, charities, governments and we can also deliver communication programs. For example, if a company has a new product, say for diabetes, and they want to target a particular group of doctors, we can specifically target just the doctors they want to reach with promotional information, but we make it clinically relevant, […]
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