Income Autopilot Trick: Productizing Your Knowledge

airplane pilot autopilot 300x200 Income Autopilot Trick: Productizing Your Knowledge

This is the second post in our Physician Income Autopilot series. You can read our first post here.

In our previous post, we told you how many physicians lack time for themselves and their patients. They are worked-out, tired and disillusioned about the work they are doing. Moreover, many of them cannot see a way out of this conundrum. They lack a clear vision of alternative options that are out there.

When we ask them, what else could you do to earn money, follow your passions and free up time, we usually hear: “….this is what I was trained for. I am good at what I do but I really have no other skills that I could make money with.”

This is so WRONG and we will tell you why in just a bit. If you are a physician you are in a service oriented business (that you were trained for). But at the same time you are a knowledge worker. Your natural resource is knowledge PLUS your network. Those two things are really your net-worth. We could take almost everything away from you, but these two things will always stay with you.

So ask yourself a question: If I have those resources, could I sell them? The answer is of course – YES! The KEY word here is: PRODUCTIZATION. Here are several ways to productize one of your main resources – your knowledge:

You could produce: whitepapers, manifestos, books, e-books, teleseminars, audioproducts, webinars/webcasts, speeches, seminars, online trainings, DVDs, coaching, consulting, mastermind groups etc.

Now, some of you might say:”But I’m not really a teacher or an expert. I have never been the PI of some multicenter study, I have never written a book, I am not a university professor…..etc. We say: leave your permission-mindset behind. There are things you know better than almost anyone on this planet. You just might not be aware of them. Maybe nobody else treated more kids with Malaria in the south of Zimbabwe than you. Maybe you have developed a special technique to insert catheters into the jugular vein when every other colleague failed. Maybe you have a unique way of talking to difficult parents. The list goes on and on. You might ask “But who will publish my content if I am not THE expert?”

It is true that for many publishers you had to be a renowned person in order for them to publish your stuff. But these days are over. You don’t necessarily need the publisher in times of blogs, podcasts, screencapturing, Skype etc. There are two things you previously needed a publisher for: production and marketing. In the upcoming posts, we will teach you how to take care of these things yourself. You really don’t need anything else than your computer, some software and the internet. Stay tuned for more good stuff to come.

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