Wheelchairs have been a tremendous help for handicapped people, yet little innovation has happened, except for chunky, big motorized versions of traditional wheelchairs. A Japanese company has introduced something that looks a little like the Segway®, but built for the handicapped – They are calling it Whill It is still a concept, but it really looks promising and a real leap for wheelchair-users. Here’s the twist: The Whill includes two circular hubs that attach to the wheels of any wheelchair. This also means significantly lower costs for patients. Powered by lithium ion batteries, each of those eletrric attachments each contain a 24-volt electric motor that brings power to manual wheelchairs, with speeds of up to 20 km per hour. Steering is done through leaning back and forth. The video below demonstrates the Whill in action: Let’s hope to see this thing coming to production soon.
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Quelle: Ärzte Zeitung, 28./29.11.2014
120th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays
On November 8th, 1895, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered a new kind of ray, which he
called X-rays. A small 120Jahrelaboratory located in the former Physical Institute of the University of Würzburg, now the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, was the sight of one of the most important scientific breakthroughs in medical history.
At this place the celebrarion started on Nov. 7th 2015 with the annual meeting of ISHRAD (International Society for History in Radiology). Chairman Prof. Thomas, UK and the delegates provided lectures about the history of radiology in Röntgen’s lecture hall.
On Nov 8th 2015 was a open house day of the Röntgen Memorial. More than 1000 people visited Prof. Röntgen’s lab.
A formal celebration organized by the City of Würzburg, the University of Würzburg, the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and the Röntgenkuratorium e.V. with 200 invited guests was held.
Celebrating the 120th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays