Ich wurde jüngst von einem mir bis dahin unbekannten Blog kontaktiert. Das “Young Lions Gesundheitsparlament ” finde ich eine interessante Idee. Seit März 2012 engagieren sich 80 junge Vordenker ehrenamtlich im Young Lions Gesundheitsparlament, das vom forschenden Arzneimittelhersteller Janssen initiiert … Weiterlesen
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Beitrag im ARD Europamagazin: Hilfe für chronisch Kranke per Computerbildschirm
In einem Artikel über doctr.com im Financial Times Magazin medbiz weist die Autorin Julia Kimmerle darauf hin, dass Dänemark in Sachen Ehealth und Telemedizin europaweit eine Vorreiterrolle einnimmt:
"In Europa setzen vor allem Finnland und Dänemark Standards für die Telemedizin. In Dänemark sind Ärzte seit Jahresanfang sogar gesetzlich verpflichtet, E-Health-Beratung anzubieten. Seit 2009 gilt eine Vereinbarung zwischen der Politik und dem Verband der dänischen Hausärztevereinigung, dass alle Hausärzte auch per Internet für ihre Patien- ten zu erreichen sind."
Am 20.02.2010 zeigte auch das Europamagazin der ARD einen – hoffentlich inspirierenden…- in jedem Fall aber sehenswerten Beitrag über die Rolle der Telemedizinin bei unseren nordischen Nachbarn: Dänemark: Start frei für Telemedizin -Hilfe für chronisch Kranke per Computerbildschirm – nachzusehen in der ARD-Mediathek :
"In Dänemark ist die digitale Medizin auf dem Vormarsch. Zur Nachbehandlung von Patienten setzen die Ärzte in den Krankenhäusern verstärkt auf neue Technik: ein Computer mit Webkamera, der auf Knopfdruck in Gang kommt, ersetzt die Visite am Krankenbett.
Das hat zwei Vorteile: Die Patienten kommen schneller zurück in die gewohnte Umgebung und die Krankenhäuser haben in Zeiten knapper Kassen und fehlenden Personals mehr Ressourcen frei." (DasErste.de)
Bild: flickr.com dramylynn: teLEMedicine
DasErste.de: Europamagazin, Rückschau – Dänemark: Start frei für Telemedizin
The Internet, Information And What It Means For Physicians
Professor Gunter Dueck, is a calm and eloquent german mathematician who’s also the CTO of IBM Germany. He studied mathematics and philosophy and eventually turned out to be a great writer and speaker. Unfortunately he only does so in german, which is why it doesn’t make much sense to post a video of him here. In a recent talk he gave (German only), he talks about whether a connected and information-based world is a nightmare or a dream come true. Near the end of the talk he picks up the topic of what a connected society, what the internet and what ubiquitious information means for certain jobs, in particular for contractors or service providers like lawyers and doctors. You are more and more disapointed by professionals who live off their knowledge, whom you’ve always trusted and whose expertise you’ve considered to be untouchable. Now the internet gives everyone and extremely powerful tool to research even the most complex medical knowledge. Be it Map-Kinases or the different types of leukemia. It is simply amazing (and to some of us, slightly discomforting) that such highly specific knowledge which was only able to be acquired going through several years of med school is now […]
Visit aycan at TurkRad 2013
The 34th Turkish Congress of Radiology will be held from 6th to 10th November 2013 at the Maritim Pine Beach Hotel in Antalya. Several meetings, workshops and presentations of the technological advancements of the future of radiology are to be expected.
aycan will be at the congress to promote its products, especially its mobile PACS viewer aycan mobile. With aycan mobile’s full range of features and intuitive interface, combined with Apples iPad, the iPad app is an ideal solution for Teleradiology.
DICOM images can be transferred easily, fast and especially secure from hospitals and imaging centers to on-call and other radiologists with an iPad.
Some of aycan mobiles key features are:
- Automatic 256-bit AES encryption
- Password protection
- Patient anonymization
- Display and synchronization of two image series
- Lossless JPEG2000 compression
In addition to aycan mobile, aycan is presenting its vendor neutral DICOM PACS archive aycan store, a cost effective and powerful DICOM archive, which seamlessly integrates with RIS and other patient management systems, as well as its Mac-based multi-modality workstation for post-processing and primary diagnosis, aycan OsiriX PRO – with FDA 510(k) clearance and CE-label.
Meet aycan at TurkRad 2013 to discover its latest products or visit www.aycan.com and find out more about aycan.
About aycan
With a focus on vendor neutral integration and service, aycan is a worldwide provider of solutions for archiving, viewing, and printing medical images and information that improve workflow efficiency and drive down costs. aycan is ISO 13485 certified and supports customers worldwide with European headquarters in Würzburg, Germany, and U.S. headquarters in Rochester, New York. The company is privately held.
Mobile PACS Viewer aycan mobile
DICOM PACS archive aycan store
Post-Processing Workstation aycan OsiriX PRO
TurkRad 2013