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Ärzteschwund – hat Deutschland seinen Medizinern nichts mehr zu bieten?
Während auf dem Land, in den Kleinstädten sowie in vielen Ballungsgebieten die Anzahl der Haus- und Fachärzte kontinuierlich sinkt und zahlreiche Krankenhäuser über Ärztemangel klagen, gibt es bei renommierten Privatkliniken lange Wartelisten. Der Arztberuf ist längst nicht mehr so attraktiv wie er einmal war. Überstunden, Nachtdienste und 48-Stunden-Schichten schlauchen die überlasteten Mediziner zusätzlich, wodurch die ärztliche Versorgung der Patienten gefährdet ist.
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Mac vs. PC—Benefits Validated in IBM Study
aycan has been using Apple Macintosh computers to run its medical solutions for over 10 years due in part to their intuitive interfaces and overall reliability. A recent study by IBM validates these and other benefits of choosing Mac computers over Windows PCs.
In the study posted on, IBM found that only 5% of Apple users contact IT support vs. 40% of Windows PC users. Because of this, the spending to replace Window’s PC’s with Mac’s is quickly offset by the lower support cost. In the article, IBM’s VP of Workplace-as-a-Service Fletcher Previn noted, “Every Mac that we buy is making and saving IBM money.”
In these times of cost constraints and budget cuts, hospitals and medical practices need to address reductions in IT spending and switching from PC’s to Macs is one way to significantly do that. aycan can show you how to integrate Mac-based RIS and PACS applications into your environment, so your organization can benefit by the type of cost savings outlined in the article.
Integration of Mac Workstations
Mac-based RIS/PACS
International UMTS plans for the teleradiologist
When Radiologists are travelling and want to have access to medical images, roaming might not be the most cost effective solution.With a local prepaid SIM and an App like aycan mobile, Radiologists and Physicians can receive DICOM images on their …