An exchange part 2: Sloan-Swartz Centers go Bernstein Network

This September, I had the opportunity to attend the Bernstein Conference in Goettingen, Germany, through the student/scholar exchange program between the Bernstein and Sloan-Swartz centers. As being based in the US during my graduate study and my current postdoc appointment, this turns out to be my first conference in Europe. The Bernstein Conference is sometimes referred to as an “European version” of Cosyne, one of the major conferences featuring computational and theoretical neuroscience in the US, which I have beenweiter

An exchange part 1: Bernstein Network goes Sloan-Swartz Centers

The Sloan-Swartz centers in the United States have a similar organizational structure as our German Bernstein network and also foster profound research in computational neuroscience. Every year the young fellows of the Sloan-Swartz foundation and affiliated professors meet to discuss their recent ideas. As an external guest from the Bernstein community I got the chance to participate in this year’s meeting which took place at the University of Washington in beautiful Seattle. The conference was intellectually quite dense, one talkweiter