My First Video Blogpost!

To me it feels like the medical knowledge I need to treat my patients doubles every month. Keeping all of the important information in your head is impossible. You need resources and tools that help you to stay on top of all the information. Here I introduce my favorite tool: Uptodate. And I mention three […]

Excuse me. Is This Really My Job?

I am not about to whine about how busy we are and how much work there is to do. Being busy at work is a given, I get it. Residency programs are tough. But what we really have to talk about is this: What is a doctor’s job and what not?  I have worked on more than ten different […]

How To Get Your Dream Job

Starting a rotation at your dream institution and you really want a job there? A residency position? A fellowship spot? There is one way to that: Hustle. Work like you have never worked before. Work your butt off. Here is how: It happens at the beginning of every rotation. If you are not a pretty […]

How To Avoid Debt During Medical School

Medical education is expensive. Many graduates don’t only receive a diploma after finishing their studies but also a student loan bill of $ 200.000! During their studies they rationalize that  one day they’ll have a big income to clean this mess up easily. But going into debt during medical school is not a must, that is for sure. […]