The HCG Phenomenon (Part II)
hCG is produced in the pituitary gland of males and females throughout the life span.5,6,7,8 HCG is composed of 244 amino acids with a molecular mass of 36.7
hCG is produced in the pituitary gland of males and females throughout the life span.5,6,7,8 HCG is composed of 244 amino acids with a molecular mass of 36.7
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) for weight reduction is a diet trend which has hit the market: people are flocking to it in droves. It sounds fantastic –
Monday October 03, 2011
Three Immunologists Win Nobel in Medicine
The 2011 Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology was awarded to Bruce Beutler, MD, of the Scripps Research Institute; Jules Hoffmann, PhD, of the French national lab CNRS; and Ralph Stei…
cells in fat grafting protocols in terms of improving cosmetic results and implanted tissue survival. Jeffry Schafer, M.D., FRSM, and William T. Chen, M.D.,
und zugelassen für die Behandlung der Harninkontinenz bei Erwachsenen mit neurogener Detrusorhyperaktivität bei neurogener Blase infolge einer stabilen
openness, according to Katherine A. MacLean, PhD, and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University. They found no adverse effects from the drug exposure. Openness is
Smoking Cessation: What medications are most effective for smoking cessation?
B12 may contribute to cognitive problems for older adults in more than one way, according to a cross-sectional study. Markers of B12 insufficiency all
FDA Contrave noch mit dem Argument zurückgewiesen, dass vor einer Zulassung eine grosse Studie das Risiko der Diätpille für Herz-Kreislauf Erkrankungen
Based on the available literature, caffeine and green tea have data to back up its fat metabolism-enhancing properties.