NEJM: Teaching Topics | June 23, 2011
Weight Gain Original Article Changes in Diet and Lifestyle and Long-Term Weight Gain in Women and Men D. Mozaffarian and Others Because efforts to lose weight
Weight Gain Original Article Changes in Diet and Lifestyle and Long-Term Weight Gain in Women and Men D. Mozaffarian and Others Because efforts to lose weight
10-jähriges Bestehen. Darüber freuen wir uns sehr – ebenso, dass es uns gelungen ist, unseren Patienten in dieser Zeit Werte wie Verlässlichkeit und
BOTOX may have a new competitor in the near future: PurTox by Mentor. Chances are you’ve either had BOTOX done or you’ve heard of it – it is often brought up
protein diet has probably heard this warning: You may lose weight, but you risk kidney damage. The idea is that processing large amounts of protein strains
cells, a group led by New York University School of Medicine researchers discovered that the cells’ collaboration through a specific signal determines
liraglutide (Victoza). The agency issued the safety alert and directed drugmaker Novo Nordisk to send out a “Dear healthcare professional” letter after
Die teure Trend-Diaet “Metabolic Balance” erlebt in Deutschland einen Boom: Doch die geheimnisumwitterte
Abspeckmethode ist wissenschaftlich umstritten.
Patienten. Sie fanden 142 primäre Karzinome (Krebsgeschwüre) in der behandelten und 33 in der unbehandelten Gruppe. Die durchschnittliche Überwachungszeit
pesticide controls, has crunched the numbers from that report and a bunch of others to come up with a guide for concerned shoppers. There’s a “Dirty Dozen,”
HGH an sonst gesunde Frauen mit viszeraler Adipositas zu einer Verbesserung der Körperzusammensetzung und der kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren führen würde.