Time to Act

Much has been said about about the interactions between pharmaceutical companies and physicians. Less has been done. In face of clear evidence that even small gifts influence treatment preferences and that pharmaceutical companies even target medical students to undermine the integrity of the profession, Dr. Greenland (Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago) asks: “Why […]

Lancet H1N1 Flu Resource Center

“The Lancet’s H1N1 Resource Centre is the result of a collaborative effort by the editors of 52 Elsevier-published journals and 9 learned societies who have agreed to make freely available on this site any relevant content.”
Lancet H1N1 Flu Resource Center

NEJM H1N1 Influenza Center

The NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) has established a H1N1 Influenza Center. The Center presents original research, news, updates and summaries from Journal Watch.
Visit the NEJM H1N1 Influenza Center for Health Professionals

Rethinking Mental Disorders – JCI Review Series

The JCI (Journal of Clinical Investigation) launched a review series about new perspectives on mental disorders. In the review series introduction, Thomas R. Insel, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, writes about “disruptive” insights in psychiatry: new insights into pathophysiology of mental illnesses that are transforming the understanding of the clinical discipline.
“A new […]

NYT Patient Voices: Pancreatic Cancer

A minority of patients with pancreatic cancer survive five years. Visit the NYT website and hear what patients with pancreatic cancer like Dr. Ron Davis, immediate past president of the American Medical Association, tell about their own lives.
New York Times – Patient Voices: Pancreatic Cancer
“A benefit of being a physician is that I understand what’s […]

Prolactin and Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria

Pregnant women are more susceptible to plasmodium falciparum malaria than their non-pregnant counterparts. The pathogenesis of malaria during pregnancy is largely unknown. N.K. Bayoumi et al. investigated the roles of cortisol, prolactin, interferon-γ, interleukin-4 and interleukin-10 in pregnant women with plasmodium falciparum malaria. Compared to healthy controls, those subjects had significantly lower serum levels of  […]

Manuscript Note

Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Manuscript note by Francis Crick: “I think the most significant aspect of DNA is the support it gives to evolution by natural selection.” Note written on the back of a letter from D J E Stamp. 13th June 1989.From: Crick Papers Collection. Library reference no.: Archives […]

Bouveret’s syndrome

The majority of patients with gallstones do well, but a small percentage of patients develop complications including rare complications as cholecystoduodenal fistulas. Such a complication could result in the presentation of the Bouveret’s syndrome. It is defined as gastric outlet obstruction caused by duodenal impaction of a large gallstone which passes into the duodenal bulb […]

Death Toll – High

In a review article Mario Azevedo and Sridevi Alla from the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Jackson State University, Mississippi, USA, report on the current status of diabetes in sub-saharan Africa. Azevedo and Alla say that the potential severity of diabetes in Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia is so high that […]

Acute Fat Liver of Pregnancy

The acute fat liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a rare, but serious condition occuring during pregnancy (1:10.000 pregnancies) with a high maternal mortality of 18%. Etiologically, it is suspected that there is a causal relation to a deficiency of the long-chain 3-Hydroxy-acyl-CoA-Dehydrogenase (LCHAD), leading to excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells. Clinical symptoms include […]