Jean Hissette

In 1930, examining blind patients in the region of former belgique-congo, the belgian physician Jean Hissette discovered the parasitic nematode Onchocerca volvulus, cause of river blindness or onchocerciasis. Research by the ophthalmologist Professor Guido Kluxen revealed new historic material – a video documenting the work of Hissette, taken during a visit of Professor Richard Pearson […]

Prescription for Survival

Founded by Drs. Bernard Lown of the US and Evgueni Chazov of the Soviet Union in 1980, an inspiration born of the cold war, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) campaigns to abolish nuclear weapons, the promotion of peace and health, as well as prevention of damage through small arms and […]

The Subway Diagnosis

In their everyday life, in the subway or on the street, doctors often find signs of serious diseases in the faces of strangers. Confronted with such an ethical dilemma, all of us arrive at individual decisions. In these kind of situations, are we obliged to seek contact?

JCI Review Series – Cytokines

The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) has launched a review series about cytokines. Involved in almost all biological processes, cytokines are a familiy of more than 100 small proteins that function as short range mediators and play a role in many diseases. The review series surveys three chronic inflammatory disease areas and two forms of […]

Galàpagos Secrets

174 years after Darwin visited the Galàpagos Islands, the islands still hold secrets of evolution to discover. In the current issue of the PNAS, Gabriele Gentile et al. report the observation of a formerly unknown species of land iguanas. The conopholus rosada (pink) iguanas live at Volcan Wolf, the northern most volcano in isabela. The […]


To ensure patient safety and resident education, the IOM (Institue of Medicine) recommends a maximum workload of 80 hours per week, averaged over 4 weeks, with a maximum of 16 hours per shift admitting patients. According to the IOM and the ACGME (Accredition Council for Graduate Medical Education), this recommendation is intended to ensure patient […]