Older adults with COPD more likely to use synthetic cannabinoids

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease that’s often associated with a variety of health problems, including chronic muscle pain and insomnia. Psychoactive drug classes, like cannabinoids, are often prescribed to help reduce pain, promote sleep and decrease breathlessness. A study has found that older adults with COPD were twice as likely […]


New yardstick offers diagnostic and treatment guidance for idiopathic anaphylaxis

The new ‚Idiopathic Anaphylaxis Yardstick‘ will help physicians who might be searching for guidance on next steps after their patient has an anaphylactic reaction of an unknown origin. Lesen Sie weiter auf: New yardstick offers diagnostic and treatment guidance for idiopathic anaphylaxis Quelle: ScienceDaily | Allergy Titelbild/Grafik by ScienceDaily News
