Scientists identify unique subtype of eczema linked to food allergy

Scientists have found that children with both atopic dermatitis and food allergy have structural and molecular differences in top layers of skin near the eczema lesions, whereas children with atopic dermatitis alone don’t. Defining these differences may help identify children at risk for developing food allergies. Lesen Sie weiter auf: Scientists identify unique subtype of […]


Engineers develop wearable respiration monitor with children’s toy

Using Shrinky Dinks, a popular children’s toy, engineers have created wearable, disposable respiration sensors that track the rate and volume of a wearer’s breath. The new device will help sufferers of asthma and many other pulmonary conditions. Lesen Sie weiter auf: Engineers develop wearable respiration monitor with children’s toy Quelle: ScienceDaily | Asthma Titelbild/Grafik by […]


Gut microbes from healthy infants block milk allergy development in mice

New research suggests that the gut microbiome may help prevent the development of cow’s milk allergy. Scientists found that gut microbes from healthy human infant donors transplanted into mice protected animals exposed to milk from experiencing allergic reactions, while gut microbes transplanted from infants allergic to milk did not. Lesen Sie weiter auf: Gut microbes […]
