Mobiler PACS-Viewer aycan mobile mit neuer Version im Apple App Store erhältlich

Am 2. August veröffentlichte aycan Digitalsysteme GmbH ihre aycan mobile iPad App in Version 1.02.000. Der mobile PACS-Viewer wurde speziell für das iPAd entwickelt und ermöglicht es, DICOM-Bilder schnell und einfach zu empfangen, ohne zusätzlich einen VPN-Tunnel einrichten zu müssen. Somit können unter anderem hausintern Bilder verteilt oder Ärzte im Bereitschaftsdienst konsultiert werden.  

aycan mobile: alles in einer App – einfach, schnell und sicher.
Mit der neuen Version ist es nun möglich, aktuelle Untersuchungen mit Voraufnahmen zu vergleichen, Befundvorlagen für E-Mails aus aycan mobile zu laden und ROIs abzuspeichern. „Wichtig war für uns, auf das Feedback unserer Kunden zu achten und darauf einzugehen.“ erklärt Stephan Popp, Geschäftsführer bei aycan Digitalsysteme. “Somit haben wir sehr viel Wert darauf gelegt, die Sicherheit bei der Übertragung von DICOM-Bilder weiter zu verbessern. Mit dem Vergleich mit den Voraufnahmen können wir mit der neuen Version einen noch besseren Workflow gewährleisten.”

Die iPad App ist in Europa als Medizinprodukt der Klasse I gekennzeichnet. Um aycan mobile nutzen zu können ist die Befundworkstation aycan OsiriX PRO notwendig. Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie unter

Olympic Sized Motivation

Watching the Olympics this summer has been a wonderfully guilty pleasure. Between the various levels of drama about what Ryan Lochte’s mom may have meant about his social life , unnecessary discussions about Olympic Gold All-Round Women Gymnasts champion Gabby Douglas’s hair and concerns about whether the US Women’s Swimming Team smiles too much (sorry we’re only getting US coverage over here — what else is new.) there are relevant discussions about exercise, health and motivation. As a physician in training my curiosity about these topics extends not only to my own health but to the health of my patients. I wonder constantly how I can help motivate for better health. I recently finished a month long clinical rotation in outpatient specialty clinics where in 30min-1hr sessions we ran through the list of medical problems for each patient. We checked through their labs and imaging scans. Somehow, we still found time to counsel and motivate them to do what they could do on their own as we did what we could on our end. The question, however, is always to what extent? In David Jones, MD, PhD’s perspective article published in the  New England Journal Of Medicine last week, he takes […]

HealthBox Is Coming To Europe – Applications Open

Healthbox, a startup accelerator dedicated to founders who want to build something in and for healthcare, is coming to Europe. Until now, the initiative had only been open to US based entrepreneurs, which major events happening in Boston and Chicago. A so-called “accelerator” is a great idea. An Entrepeneurs problem in the early days if by definition “experience”. With a vast network of mentors an accelerator program, like Healthbox, are often an important starting point for first time founders. Thus, if you are a physician, interested in starting your own business, then this might be just the right place to go to. Here’s a list of startups that have evolved from the US events and we are eager to see the quality of startups here in Europe. Unfortunately, in our experience, the quality, in terms of founders dedication, team, business case, pitching to execution, of healthcare startups is inferior to other tech genres, such as dating or e-commerce. But the spread of accelerators (or comparable “incubation” models such Rock Health, BluePrint Health and various others) is clearly helpful to make the health startup space itself more professional and “investor-friendly”. No matter which accelerator you chose to apply for we suggest […]

The KOL Of The Future

Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) are still one of the most important corner stones for the marketing machines of pharmaceutical companies. Their network, expertise, reach and authority is what pharma is interested in. We’ve written about KOL stardom in the past and how to attain it. In this post I’d like to take a closer look at the implications social media has on KOL’ism. First off, let me tell you one thing – I am sick of the term “social media”, it’s being used so ubiquitously and so often that it doesn’t mean anything anymore. I mean think about it – the whole internet is social. Show me a site where you can’t “like” or comment stuff. That’s the essence of social media and web 2.0. But that’s another story. Let’s put these linguistic talks aside and get real: social media is here to stay and the day will come when even doctors will embrace it as professionals.  The future KOL must understand that. She must be able to interact with social media and interact with strategic peers on a far superior level. Usually, authority has always been a regional phenomenon, only a few enter the “stage of the world”, as the […]

How Social Entrepreneurs Contribute In Shaping Health Innovations

We are all well aware of how healthcare is changing in response to new disruptive ideas. What we often don’t know is how to create new models that combine socially favorable needs with radical innovations within the health sector. With “socially favorable”  I either mean patient-centered or anything that is somehow able to provide tangible benefits for social wellbeing. Physicians often still perceive health as a unilateral variable, focusing on getting patients the right treatment at the right time. Pharmaceutical companies are struggling with getting new drugs in their pipelines while investing insanely amounts on R&D, after which they are forced to sell the product for millions –if not billions– of dollars. Health insurers sell packages that mostly include unnecessary services and deny what individuals really need. Governments are implementing regulations on top of regulations that hamper genuine health outcomes and (in)-directly favor the most powerful parties. When you enter a hospital, several patients don’t want to be informed about their health status, they simply want to get a pill, injection or treatment and get out as fast as possible. Societies, cities, individuals, often times do not care what being healthy entails. Needless to say, that all of the above […]

Interview with California State Assemblyman Jim Cunneen

With the recent United States Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, healthcare reform has become a prominent subject of both discussion and derision in the media and the political world. The topic of healthcare reform has engendered passionate debates and divisiveness across America. The Affordable Care Act, widely known as Obamacare, will continue to dominate the political discourse in the run-up to the United States presidential election this November. For more insight into American healthcare policy, MedCrunch was able to sit down and interview former California State Assemblyman Jim Cunneen to discuss the Affordable Care Act and healthcare reform in the United States. Mr. Cunneen represented the Silicon Valley in the California legislature from 1994 to 2000, serving on the Insurance, Budget, Education, and Public Safety Legislative Committees. He subsequently served as the President and CEO of the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce and is presently a Principal of California Strategies, LLC, a bipartisan, public affairs consulting firm.   MedCrunch: What do you think the long-term impact of the Affordable Care Act will be on the US health care system? Jim Cunneen: I’m not completely qualified to say, but from […]

Healthtap Overhauls Product And Hints To Future Business Model

When Healthtap received $11 million in funding we were excited to see how they are going to use the money on the product side – now we know. Last week the startup has released an entire suite of apps for iPhone, iPad, Android and the Web. The new HealthTap provides people with a faster and more personal way to connect and interact with doctors. The site is moving from a curated Q&A platfrom between physicians and patients, towards a more telemedicine approach and aims to build that virtual doctor-patient bridge many startups have tried to build already, but have failed (i.e. Hello Health). Apart from a visual revamp (which ressembles the current trend of using big photographs as background images) and the enhancement to their core web application, the mobile apps seem to be the primary channel where the company hopes to link both groups. As it reads from the press release, the mobile approach is really interesting, since it comes with micropayments and thus shows and interesting way how Healthtap plans to monetize in the future. Private Health Conversations: Ask specific questions to the doctor of your choice in a HIPAA-secure environment from your iPhone, iPad, Android device, or PC. […]

OsiriX PRO Plugin: ayMediaImporter

Mit diesem Plug-In können die Benutzer Patientendaten von CD/DVD automatisiert in die OsiriX PRO Workstation importieren.  

> Automatische Erkennung von DICOMDIR-Dateien 
> Möglichkeit, Daten vor dem Import zu modifizieren
> Automatisches Senden an einen konfigurierten DICOM-Knoten

OsiriX PRO Plugins