Why Medical Students Should All Have iPads

Calling all Med Schools: the iPad is here, have you noticed? Or do you live under a rock? It’s been just a week since Apple announced the release of the new iPad and we have all witnessed the hype going on. Some new features, better processor and screen… and the long and endless lines outside of Apple stores. How many of these extremely excited buyers – who couldn’t wait to get their hands on this piece of technology – are actually getting the iPad for education purposes? There have been some studies that advocate the use of these new technologies such as tablets as very effective learning tools. In one study conducted in the Abilene Christian University, the investigators proved that students equipped with iPads performed better than their paper-based peers. They argue that these results are due to the iPad’s stimulation of “learning moments,” helping students make more efficient use of their time; while also making them feel more satisfied. Another study conducted in the UK assessed how mobile technology enabled medical students to learn. They found that having quick access to key information and being able to conveniently reference them is a major advantage over the conventional learning methods […]

Vortrag zum 167. Geburtstag des W. C. Röntgen

Gerne lädt das Röntgen-Kuratorium Würzburg e.V. Sie zu einem spannendem Vortrag zum Thema “Das Röntgenlabor von Sherlock Holmes” und “Radiologische Bildgebung für den Gerichtssaal” ein.Herr Professor Dr. Richard Dirnhofer, ehemaliger Ordinarius un…

Peter Thiel on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Education and Much More

The highlight of last year’s Charité Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin has been the closing keynote of seriel entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel. Thiel, a founder of Paypal and early investor in Facebook is not only a billionaire but one of the most forward thinking and disruptive thinkers out there. His conservative, or I’d rather say libertarian attitude, has brought him a quite some criticism, but at the same time he’s also widely recognized as one of the most successful entrepreneurs these days. In the following videos, you’ll see Peter Thiel talking about a variety of topics. What’s striking about them, apart from the actual content, is the strong believe and passion Thiel conveys through his keynote. He seems to be so sure about the things he talks about and so confident that you tend to agree on many aspects. The footage has not been shared publically yet and has now appeared on YouTube. It is copyrighted by the Charité Stiftung, which organizes the annual Charité Entrepreneurship Summit. Enough, sit back and no matter if you are a physician, entrepreneur or somebody thinking outside the box, you should watch those videos and dive into the following Q&A. Enjoy!       […]

Interview With Denise Silber On European Startups, Facebook And Best Practices In Pharma

As we have announced in our last post, MedCrunch will be supporting some very selected events as a media partner in 2012. One of them is Doctors 2.0 & You in Paris. An event which we have been attending last year and which nicely captured the current status of medical professionals on the web and how social media is more and more becoming a part of medicine. Doctors 2.0 & You is continuing  this year and takes place in Paris from May 23-24, 2012 (You can grab a ticket here). We did an interview with its founder and head Denise Silber, who also announced a strategic partnership with Larry Chu’s Medicine 2.0 at Stanford only recently. Here we go.   MC: Hi Denise, thanks for your time. So it’s the 2nd time you are organizing the Doctors 2.0 & You in Paris this year. What will be the main focus of the event? DS: Our focus at Doctors 2.0 & You will be Web 2.0, Social Media, and Mobile Apps for Healthcare around the World; we’ll have some truly amazing speakers from Europe, US, and Asia. We’ll be featuring practical examples and providing time for networking and interaction. MC: It’s […]