MedCrunch at Paris Doctors 2.0 Conference – LIVE

As many of you know, MedCrunch is currently participating at a wonderful conference called “Doctors 2.0 & You” in Paris. The conference is centered around physicians, the dotctor-patient relationship and healthcare and how the web 2.0 will impact the way we practice medicine. We just attended a plenary sessions dealing with online physicians forums. The plenary was moderated by Denise Silber, the event’s organizer. The participants were Frank Antwerps, CEO of DocCheck, Martin Drees, Co-founder of Coliquio, Henry Gazay, Co-founder of VoxMed, Raphaelle Laubie, partner of Eugenol, Tim Ringrose, director of and Jaques Lucas, vice-president of the French National Order of Physicians. The participants talked about the evolving role of their networks and the value they were bringing to the table. The audience was also asked if they found that it was important for physicians to be part of specialized social networks. Well, guess what – most of them said that they thought it was absolutely necessary. The sample of survey participants might be slightly skewed, we think One of the most important aspects of these platforms is the communication part between physicians. Throughout the conference one fact was consistantly pointed out: it is extremely hard to get physicians to […]

Meet Healthysparx – A Quora for Health

It hasn’t been long ago that we’ve internally discussed the viability of a health-focused version of Quora, the hyped Silicon Valley based Q&A startup founded by two former Facebook engineers. For our readers who are not familiar with Quora, let us give you a quick background. The site aims to be not just another Q&A site like or Yahoo! Answers, but a worldwide repository of genre-specific answers to any sort of question. The startup has a strong focus on user interface and the quality of the content. Starting from punctuation to capitalization and content of questions and corresponding answers – all is closely being watched and edited by a dedicated team of community and/or quality assurance managers. Apart from its initial hype, the principle is working in the field of technology, startups and investing. Through the founders fame and a whopping amount of funding, they’ve attracted CEOs, famous founders and tech celebs that are not only passively using the service, but are also adding their answers – that’s something new. Now- meet healthysparx, which aims to bring the Q&A model to medicine. Admittedly we can’t think of many more fields of work, aside from medicine, where such an approach […]

Interview with Abbott’s Diabetes Head Asia Pacific: Andreas Amrein

After we’ve had an interview with the amazing and insightful Dr. Bryan Vartebedian as well as the inspirational Lisa Chu, we thought that we should also talk to somebody who’s on the pharma side of the healthcare industry. Dr. Andreas Amrein, who is the Senior Area Director for the Diabetes Unit of Abbott in Asia Pacific, thankfully took some time to answer our questions on the intersection of technology and diabetes. Diabetes is clearly a prevalent problem in civilized countries and to us it seems that pharmaceutical companies are still slow in developing disruptive technological solutions for diabetic patients. Andreas, who was originally trained as a phycisist as the prestigious ETH in Zuerich, has some insights on how a globally acting pharmaceutical company thinks about a global healthcare problem and its solution within healthcare. Initially, the contact between Andreas and MedCrunch came from the Virtual Pharma Summit, where Andreas and MedCrunch will participate in a virtual round table. Join the event here and have fun with the interview! MedCrunch: Dear Mr. Amrein, thanks for your time. To give us and our readers a little background, please let us know how you came into the pharmaceutical business. Originally I am a […]

Feedback: OsiriX PRO Kurse beim DRK 2011

Die OsiriX PRO Hands-On Workshops beim Deutschen Röntgenkongress waren ausgebucht. Mehr als 60 Kursteilnehmer lernten den Umgang mit OsiriX PRO für die Befundung und Nachverarbeitung von medizinischen Bilddaten.42 Teilnehmern gaben ausgefüllte Feedb…